Size L
Extremely rare UNIVERSITY OF DUNDEE GFC home Player Issue shirt from 2004/2007 seasons worn in Scotland GAA (Comann Lùth-chleasach Gàidheal na h-Alba) competitions.
Shirt has all replica differences. Gaelic Athletic Association, Gaelic Gear logos and Uni crest are screen printed within the material. 'Comhairle Coláistí Tríu Leibhéalan Bhretain' patches on sleeves. 'Apex Hotels' sponsor logo. Lightweight material. Design not commercially available.
Original over 15 years old jersey, not another retro!
To avoid misunderstanding, please read carefully descriptions, especially about condition and size (take notice at length and width) of shirt.
If You're interest VINTAGE SHIRTS, especially Rest of World GAA Clubs jerseys, see other footballholics.com products!
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Size L